Data format of the procedure parameter file *.xml
Note: Files in *.xml format you can open with a text editor or in a browser. Use a text-processing editor for changes to those files. |
Example: Procedure parameter file (incomplete)
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
NO = "1"
OPERATIONTYPE = "InitAssignment"
ACTIVE = "1"
NO = "2"
ACTIVE = "1"
NO = "3"
Brief introduction to the *.xml data format
An *.xml file contains XML elements, whose names are in brackets. Normally, an XML element starts with the start tag <NAME> and ends with the end tag </NAME>. For example, the procedure parameters file contains the comprehensive XML element <PROCEDURES>.
An XML element may contain further XML elements between the two tags. Thus, the XML elements are structured hierarchically. In the procedure parameter file, the XML element <PROCEDURES> includes the two secondary XML elements <OPERATIONS> and <FUNCTIONS>.
The start tag of an XML element may contain XML attributes coding information on the XML element. They have the structure NAME ="Value" and follow the name of the XML element, separated by a blank each. For example, the XML element <PROCEDURES> contains the XML attribute VERSION="3".
Notes: For a better overview, subordinate XML elements are indented compared to their superior XML element. Some of the browsers allow for hiding and showing subordinate elements of an XML element, use the sign next to the start tag for toggling. An element without subordinate elements does not necessarily need an end tag. The spelling is <NAME/>. |
Structure of the procedure parameters file *.xml
The procedure parameters file contains the comprehensive XML element <PROCEDURES>. This contains the two subordinate XML elements <OPERATIONS> and <FUNCTIONS>. The XML element <OPERATIONS> describes the settings in the Procedure sequence window, whereas the XML element <FUNCTIONS> describes the settings in the General procedure settings window.
The XML element <OPERATIONS> contains the subordinate elements with the name <OPERATION>. These code a row of the procedure sequence each, and thus either a procedure or a group header. Each of the XML elements <OPERATION> has the following XML attributes: NO (consecutive number), OPERATIONTYPE (Name of the procedure or "Group") and COMMENT (Comment).
If the XML element <OPERATION> codes a procedure, it has the attribute ACTIVE additionally, which indicates whether the procedure is active or not. If the XML element <OPERATION> codes a group, it has the attribute ISEXPANDED, which indicates whether the procedures of the group are faded in or out. Some XML elements contain further XML attributes, e.g. those coding the specific selected procedure variant.
XML elements <OPERATION> coding procedures with further settings have subordinate elements with specific XML attributes.
The end of the settings description for the Procedure sequence window is indicated by the end tag </OPERATIONS>.
The XML element <FUNCTIONS> codes the settings in the General procedure settings window. For each navigator entry, a subordinate element is stored.
Note: All of the XML elements and also the XML attributes of the procedure parameters are named in English (Overview of the XML elements and XML attributes). |
Overview of the XML elements and XML attributes
The tables below list the allocation of the procedures in the procedure sequence (Adding procedures to the procedure sequence) to the names of the XML elements and XML attributes.
Folder Assignments |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Delete assignment results |
InitAssignment |
PrT assignment |
PrTAssignment |
(not available yet) |
PRTASSIGNMENTVARIANT= "TributEquilibrium_Lohse" |
(not available yet) |
PRTASSIGNMENTVARIANT= "Dynamic User Equilibrium" |
PuT assignment |
PuTAssignment |
(not available yet) |
Connection import |
ConnectionImport |
No subordinate element |
Route import |
RouteImport |
(not available yet) |
Extended route import |
Extended RouteImport |
Set signal programs |
Set Signal Programs |
Update impedances at node |
UpdateImpedancesAtNode |
No subordinate element |
Signal cycle and split optimization |
Signal timing optimization |
No subordinate element |
Signal offset optimization |
Signal coordination optimization |
No subordinate element |
Signal offset analysis |
Analyzing signal coordination |
No subordinate element |
Assignment analysis |
AssignmentAnalysis |
(not available yet) |
Folder Demand model |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Trip generation |
TripGeneration |
Trip distribution |
TripDistribution |
Mode choice |
ModeChoice |
(not available yet) |
Time-of-day choice |
TimeOfDayChoice |
EVA trip generation |
EVA TripGeneration |
EVA weighting |
EVA Weighting |
EVA distribution/mode choice |
EVA Distribution/Mode Choice |
Tour-based model - trip generation |
VISEM TripGeneration |
Tour-based model - Combined trip distribution / mode choice |
VISEM Combined |
Estimate gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
Estimate gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
Folder PuT Analyses |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Reset PuT operating indicators |
InitPuTOperatingIndicators |
PuT operating Indicators |
PuTOperatingIndicators |
Delete line blocks |
InitLineBlockCalc |
Line blocking |
LineBlockCalc |
PuT interlining matrix |
PuTInterliningMatrix |
(not available yet) |
Calculate service trip patterns |
CalculateServiceTripPatterns |
(not available yet) |
Folder PuT Passenger Surveys |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Read survey data |
ReadSingleRowSurveyData |
Read survey data |
Survey Data Plausibility |
Direct assignment |
Direct Assignment |
Folder Matrices |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Save demand matrix from route volumes |
SaveMatrixFromRouteVolumes |
(not available yet) |
Demand matrix calibration |
MatrixCalibration |
(not available yet) |
Demand matrix correction (TFlowFuzzy) |
TFlowFuzzy |
Calculate PrT skim matrix |
PrTSkimMatrixCalculation |
Calculate PuT skim matrix |
PuTSkimMatrixCalculation |
Open matrix |
OpenMatrix |
Save matrix |
SaveMatrix |
Combination of matrices and vectors |
CombinationOfMatrices |
Matrix processing |
MatrixOperation |
Matrix aggregation |
MatrixAggregation |
Matrix disaggregation |
MatrixDisaggregation |
Distribution of demand matrix to paths |
DistributeMatrixToPaths |
Folder Add-ins |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
<all procedures> |
AddIn |
Folder Miscellaneous |
Procedure |
Subordinate element |
Edit attribute |
EditAttribute |
Set run and dwell times |
UpdateTravelTimes |
(not available yet) |
Set link run times from line run times |
UpdateLinkTravelTimesWithLineTravelTimes |
Read filter |
ReadFilter |
Reset all filters |
InitAllFilters |
No subordinate element |
Go to the procedure |
Goto |
Run script |
Script |
NCHRP 255 |
NCHRP255 |
(not available yet) |
HBEFA-based emission calculation |
Calculate HBEFA Emissions |
(not available yet) |
Delete results of emission calculation |
Init HBEFA emissions |
(not available yet) |
Save version |
SaveVersion |
Incremental propagation |
IncrementalPropagation |
Group |
Group |
Intersect |
Intersect Attribute |
Converting paths |
Convert Paths |
Territory indicators |
TerritoryIndicators |
No subordinate element |
The table below shows the allocation of sub-items of the XML element <FUNCTIONS> (in alphabetical order) to navigator entries in the General procedure settings window.
XML element |
Navigator entry in the General procedure settings window |
Analysis time slots |
PrT settings > Blocking back model |
PrT settings > Impedance |
PrT settings > Node impedances |
PrT settings |
PrT settings > Skims |
PrT settings > Assignment |
PuT settings > Revenues |
PuT settings > Skims |
PuT settings > Assignment |
PrT settings > Signal offset optimization |
PrT settings > Signal cycle and split optimization |
PrT settings > Links VD functions |
Volumes |